Jen Psaki, Biden's snarky Liar-in-Chief who established her career lying on behalf of Obama's State Department, says she was inspired to enter politics after binge-watching “The West Wing.”

She told Rob Lowe:

“That character was so inspiring because that idealism that Sam Seaborn had, that you embodied for many years, is kind of what the best of Washington is.”

"Now I get to work with all of these people who are a part of the press team, or earlier in their career than I am — in their 20s or early 30s — who have that idealism that is like bursting out of their pores, that makes you want to be here every day.”

“There’s lots of Sam Seaborns wandering around here.”


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Some of Sam Seaborne's passionate ejaculations:

1. When being asked to redeem, posthumously, an American communist who turns out not to have been a wrongly persecuted com symp (as in so many Hollywood treatments of the Red Scare) but to have been a ruthless, murderous Soviet Spy (another of these classically revisionist Reaganite stacked deck narratives).:

"This country is an idea!"

(Something Naomi Wolfe recently seemingly spontaneously intoned in the same manner, in front of a camera)

2. When asked about the apparently profligate expenditures of the space program and 'why must we go to mars..."

"Because It's next!"

But what she is asking you to think of her is this: A Himmler Heydrich pathos of the SS story, to suppose a roiling outrage and anguish, a commitment to justice, a moral clarity and high minded intensity, that must be subdued and self-mastered to allow her to perform the calm, mature, dedicated, diplomatic professional task that alone can really guarantee the greater good and the ultimate triumph of virtue through empire:



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The most acute description of the Clintons I’ve ever read.

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