Naomi and Naomi are pendant would-be Mariannes Bourgeoises of the global civil war, new ‘wars of religion/beliefs,’ they hope to spread and perpetuate as cover for and disguise of the global class war.
Both Naomis and their cheesecake cartoon doppelganger Crabapple are truly crazed Sinophobes, confessing themselves certain that the Orient is infiltrating our wholesome America and West to destroy our freedoms:
As far as the Naomis are concerned, when the storytelling is about Tyranny and Culture, world civilization is of European origin insofar as it is nice, brainy, moral, just, creative, and admirable, and Oriental in all its flaws, including ruling class crime. (The ruling class of The West does have one flaw, one, it’s kind of selfish, one could call it hubris in some stories and greed in others, it likes to make money, it can get very excited about this, which is not fundamentally bad, but they can sometimes be irresponsible and callous and neglectful toward the weak. It’s so egoist, it can often fail to shoulder the white man’s burden,)
Klein was speaking in 2008, confidently narrating these tools of control as emerging from an Oriental Essence (Communism and the Orient are one Evil Other), and naturally she is just aping Shitzek, who first reintroduced this throwback Cold War phantasmagoria in the 1990s, and assured them all it was safe again to use it, and schooled them in it, and made this the presumption and acceptable paradigm. Here he is in 2007:
And of course all three, the two Naomis and their #oppornpixie caricature, were facile with the Orientalist psychosis as they performed as passionate champions of the headchopper contras in Libya and Syria, and the destruction of those countries. The most horrifying atrocities, the mass beheading of POWs? Oh this is just how they do, these creatures, when they get too dry or too wet. It’s their ancient tradition. (Everyone ran this line, Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, all the awful Trots except the Marcyites, the whole spectrum of wise white pundits.) This nightmare is coming to a theatre near you in the core, but this time it will not only be the familiar teeth-gnashing sabre-weilding ancient semi-evolués of the Levant, but Ukrainian Nazis (it’s already begun: what do you expect from the Holodomored? Of course they had to exterminate Jews and Rom and Poles and now organ traffic the hearts of POWs. What else could they do?) and, a really new thing for the imperial US media, the newly racialized MAGAs.
Their goal accomplished already, in Yugoslavia, in Rwanda, in Libya, partially in Greece (these are the Syriza ops as well) etc: a crash of living standard, the obliteration of infrastructure, the laying waste, all are things they evidently have planned to continue in North America and the rest of the world, as they giddily promise in the Hideous Video.
Naomi and Crabapple have announced explicitly in the cartoon that what they wish to see done in the US and Canada and Europe etc., is what the ruling class has already accomplished in Libya, Syria and Iraq and is now doing in Ukraine/Russia. Crabapple' made her name as PR for ‘religiously motivated fighters’ of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda: she is a gushing titillated sadomaso champion of this total terrorist war in Syria, with lots of ostensibly competitive contra forces fighting among themselves, shelling eachother, taking and retaking territories, so as to accomplish the reduction to rubble of the countries with minimal bombing, and the butchery and traumatization of the whole society. Klein was also on board with this assault from the start though she didn’t go as far as Crabapple did eroticizing the ghoulish war crimes themselves. If you watch and listen attentively to their childishly decorated but deadly serious messaging, you discover that what together they are aiming at is a contra war in North America to be justified by the need to remove Trumplemort, perhaps whether he is elected President or not. Ops and their dupes flooding the streets as cover for the contra headchoppers.
Klein and Crabapple have both described the ikhwan contra death squads as a ‘Syrian Revolution’ and non-violent, and they are now trying to prepare the ground propagandistically for the same in North America. Crabapple worked diligently to help many of these veteran headchoppers and ‘white helmets’ (AQ) emigrate to the US.
And of course, (below) Crabapple says her (joking-not-joking) Bernie coup against Trump would be ‘bloodless,’ somehow, although of course Trump has millions of armed MAGA supporters, many of them with military training. ‘Other Naomi,’ as Crabapple’s partner Naomi Klein calls her, Naomi through a glass darkly, is married to one of them.
The Naomis as Jeanne d’Arcs, as standard bearers, and their bloody lawless war (which has been carried out already, in Rwanda and Congo, in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere) is what is elided but promised in that ugly video of theirs (below,) and the stage they are now prepping could hugely advance the final conquest of humanity and enclosure of the cosmos.
They go so far as to promise all this, in kiddie language and imagery:
How far will they go with this to get their Plato’s New Dixie Slave Republic? Their New Pharaonic Earth? As far as they need to. As far as we let them.